Uses of Interface

Packages that use Resettable

Uses of Resettable in org.apache.flume.serialization

Subinterfaces of Resettable in org.apache.flume.serialization
 interface EventDeserializer
          Establishes a contract for reading events stored in arbitrary formats from reliable, resettable streams.
 interface EventSerDe

A class that is able to both serialize and deserialize events.


Classes in org.apache.flume.serialization that implement Resettable
 class AvroEventDeserializer
          A deserializer that parses Avro container files, generating one Flume event per record in the Avro file, and storing binary avro-encoded records in the Flume event body.
 class LineDeserializer
          A deserializer that parses text lines from a file.
 class ResettableFileInputStream

This class makes the following assumptions: The underlying file is not changing while it is being read

The ability to ResettableFileInputStream.reset() is dependent on the underlying PositionTracker instance's durability semantics.

 class ResettableInputStream
           This abstract class defines an interface for which the stream may be marked and reset with no limit to the number of bytes which may have been read between the calls.

Uses of Resettable in org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline

Classes in org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline that implement Resettable
 class BlobDeserializer
          A deserializer that reads a Binary Large Object (BLOB) per event, typically one BLOB per file; To be used in conjunction with Flume SpoolDirectorySource.

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