Package org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline

Interface Summary
MorphlineHandler Interface to load Flume events into Solr

Class Summary
BlobDeserializer A deserializer that reads a Binary Large Object (BLOB) per event, typically one BLOB per file; To be used in conjunction with Flume SpoolDirectorySource.
BlobDeserializer.Builder Builder implementations MUST have a public no-arg constructor
BlobHandler BlobHandler for HTTPSource that returns event that contains the request parameters as well as the Binary Large Object (BLOB) uploaded with this request.
MorphlineHandlerImpl A MorphlineHandler that processes it's events using a morphline Command chain.
MorphlineInterceptor Flume Interceptor that executes a morphline on events that are intercepted.
MorphlineInterceptor.Builder Builder implementations MUST have a public no-arg constructor
MorphlineSink Flume sink that extracts search documents from Flume events and processes them using a morphline Command chain.
MorphlineSolrSink Flume sink that extracts search documents from Flume events, processes them using a morphline Command chain, and loads them into Apache Solr.
UUIDInterceptor Flume Interceptor that sets a universally unique identifier on all events that are intercepted.
UUIDInterceptor.Builder Builder implementations MUST have a public no-arg constructor

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