Uses of Interface

Packages that use LifecycleAware
org.apache.flume.agent.embedded This package provides Flume users the ability to embed simple agents in applications.   

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume

Subinterfaces of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume
 interface Channel
           A channel connects a Source to a Sink.
 interface EventDrivenSource
          A Source that does not need an external driver to poll for events to ingest; it provides its own event-driven mechanism to invoke event processing.
 interface PollableSource
          A Source that requires an external driver to poll to determine whether there are events that are available to ingest from the source.
 interface Sink
           A sink is connected to a Channel and consumes its contents, sending them to a configured destination that may vary according to the sink type.
 interface SinkProcessor
           Interface for a device that allows abstraction of the behavior of multiple sinks, always assigned to a SinkRunner
 interface Source
           A source generates and calls methods on the configured ChannelProcessor to persist those events into the configured channels.

Classes in org.apache.flume that implement LifecycleAware
 class SinkRunner
           A driver for sinks that polls them, attempting to process events if any are available in the Channel.
 class SourceRunner
          A source runner controls how a source is driven.

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.agent.embedded

Classes in org.apache.flume.agent.embedded that implement LifecycleAware
 class EmbeddedSource
          Simple source used to allow direct access to the channel for the Embedded Agent.

Uses of LifecycleAware in

Classes in that implement LifecycleAware
 class AbstractChannel
 class BasicChannelSemantics
           An implementation of basic Channel semantics, including the implied thread-local semantics of the Transaction class, which is required to extend BasicTransactionSemantics.
 class MemoryChannel
           MemoryChannel is the recommended channel to use when speeds which writing to disk is impractical is required or durability of data is not required.
 class PseudoTxnMemoryChannel
           A capacity-capped Channel implementation that supports in-memory buffering and delivery of events.
 class SpillableMemoryChannel
           SpillableMemoryChannel will use main memory for buffering events until it has reached capacity.

Uses of LifecycleAware in

Classes in that implement LifecycleAware
 class FileChannel
           A durable Channel implementation that uses the local file system for its storage.

Uses of LifecycleAware in

Classes in that implement LifecycleAware
 class JdbcChannel
           A JDBC based channel implementation.

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.lifecycle

Classes in org.apache.flume.lifecycle that implement LifecycleAware
 class LifecycleSupervisor

Fields in org.apache.flume.lifecycle declared as LifecycleAware
 LifecycleAware LifecycleSupervisor.MonitorRunnable.lifecycleAware

Methods in org.apache.flume.lifecycle with parameters of type LifecycleAware
 boolean LifecycleSupervisor.isComponentInErrorState(LifecycleAware component)
 void LifecycleSupervisor.setDesiredState(LifecycleAware lifecycleAware, LifecycleState desiredState)
 void LifecycleSupervisor.supervise(LifecycleAware lifecycleAware, LifecycleSupervisor.SupervisorPolicy policy, LifecycleState desiredState)
 void LifecycleSupervisor.unsupervise(LifecycleAware lifecycleAware)
static boolean LifecycleController.waitForOneOf(LifecycleAware delegate, LifecycleState[] states)
static boolean LifecycleController.waitForOneOf(LifecycleAware delegate, LifecycleState[] states, long timeout)
static boolean LifecycleController.waitForState(LifecycleAware delegate, LifecycleState state)
static boolean LifecycleController.waitForState(LifecycleAware delegate, LifecycleState state, long timeout)

Method parameters in org.apache.flume.lifecycle with type arguments of type LifecycleAware
static void LifecycleController.stopAll(List<LifecycleAware> services)

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.node

Classes in org.apache.flume.node that implement LifecycleAware
 class PollingPropertiesFileConfigurationProvider

Constructor parameters in org.apache.flume.node with type arguments of type LifecycleAware
Application(List<LifecycleAware> components)

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.sink

Subinterfaces of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.sink
static interface LoadBalancingSinkProcessor.SinkSelector
           An interface that allows the LoadBalancingSinkProcessor to use a load-balancing strategy such as round-robin, random distribution etc.

Classes in org.apache.flume.sink that implement LifecycleAware
 class AbstractRpcSink
          This sink provides the basic RPC functionality for Flume.
 class AbstractSink
 class AbstractSinkProcessor
          A convenience base class for sink processors.
 class AbstractSinkSelector
 class AvroSink
           A Sink implementation that can send events to an RPC server (such as Flume's AvroSource).
 class DefaultSinkProcessor
          Default sink processor that only accepts a single sink, passing on process results without any additional handling.
 class FailoverSinkProcessor
          FailoverSinkProcessor maintains a prioritized list of sinks, guarranteeing that so long as one is available events will be processed.
 class LoadBalancingSinkProcessor
          Provides the ability to load-balance flow over multiple sinks.
 class LoggerSink
           A Sink implementation that logs all events received at the INFO level to the org.apache.flume.sink.LoggerSink logger.
 class NullSink
           A Sink implementation that simply discards all events it receives.
 class RollingFileSink
 class ThriftSink
           A Sink implementation that can send events to an RPC server (such as Flume's ThriftSource).

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch

Classes in org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch that implement LifecycleAware
 class ElasticSearchSink
          A sink which reads events from a channel and writes them to ElasticSearch based on the work done by

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.sink.hbase

Classes in org.apache.flume.sink.hbase that implement LifecycleAware
 class AsyncHBaseSink
          A simple sink which reads events from a channel and writes them to HBase.
 class HBaseSink
          A simple sink which reads events from a channel and writes them to HBase.

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs

Classes in org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs that implement LifecycleAware
 class HDFSEventSink

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.sink.irc

Classes in org.apache.flume.sink.irc that implement LifecycleAware
 class IRCSink

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline

Classes in org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline that implement LifecycleAware
 class MorphlineSink
          Flume sink that extracts search documents from Flume events and processes them using a morphline Command chain.
 class MorphlineSolrSink
          Flume sink that extracts search documents from Flume events, processes them using a morphline Command chain, and loads them into Apache Solr.

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.source

Classes in org.apache.flume.source that implement LifecycleAware
 class AbstractEventDrivenSource
          Base class which ensures sub-classes will inherit all the properties of BasicSourceSemantics.
 class AbstractPollableSource
          Base class which ensures sub-classes will inherit all the properties of BasicSourceSemantics in addition to: Ensuring when configure/start throw an exception process will not be called Ensure that process will not be called unless configure and start have successfully been called
 class AbstractSource
 class AvroSource
           A Source implementation that receives Avro events from clients that implement AvroSourceProtocol.
 class BasicSourceSemantics
          Alternative to AbstractSource, which: Ensure configure cannot be called while started Exceptions thrown during configure, start, stop put source in ERROR state Exceptions thrown during start, stop will be logged but not re-thrown. Exception in configure disables starting
 class EventDrivenSourceRunner
          Starts, stops, and manages event-driven sources.
 class ExecSource
           A Source implementation that executes a Unix process and turns each line of text into an event.
 class MultiportSyslogTCPSource
 class NetcatSource
           A netcat-like source that listens on a given port and turns each line of text into an event.
 class PollableSourceRunner
           An implementation of SourceRunner that can drive a PollableSource.
 class SequenceGeneratorSource
 class SpoolDirectorySource
 class StressSource
          Internal load-generating source implementation.
 class SyslogTcpSource
 class SyslogUDPSource
 class ThriftSource

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.source.avroLegacy

Classes in org.apache.flume.source.avroLegacy that implement LifecycleAware
 class AvroLegacySource
           A Source implementation that receives Avro events from Avro sink of Flume OG

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.source.http

Classes in org.apache.flume.source.http that implement LifecycleAware
 class HTTPSource
          A source which accepts Flume Events by HTTP POST and GET.

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.source.jms

Classes in org.apache.flume.source.jms that implement LifecycleAware
 class JMSSource

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.source.scribe

Classes in org.apache.flume.source.scribe that implement LifecycleAware
 class ScribeSource
          Flume should adopt the Scribe entry LogEntry from existing Scribe system.

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.source.thriftLegacy

Classes in org.apache.flume.source.thriftLegacy that implement LifecycleAware
 class ThriftLegacySource

Uses of LifecycleAware in org.apache.flume.source.twitter

Classes in org.apache.flume.source.twitter that implement LifecycleAware
 class TwitterSource
          Demo Flume source that connects via Streaming API to the 1% sample twitter firehose, continously downloads tweets, converts them to Avro format and sends Avro events to a downstream Flume sink.

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