Uses of Interface

Packages that use Event
org.apache.flume.agent.embedded This package provides Flume users the ability to embed simple agents in applications. 

Uses of Event in org.apache.flume

Methods in org.apache.flume that return Event
 Event Channel.take()
          Returns the next event from the channel if available.

Methods in org.apache.flume with parameters of type Event
 List<Channel> ChannelSelector.getOptionalChannels(Event event)
          Returns a list of optional channels.
 List<Channel> ChannelSelector.getRequiredChannels(Event event)
          Returns a list of required channels.
 void Channel.put(Event event)
          Puts the given event into the channel.

Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.agent.embedded

Methods in org.apache.flume.agent.embedded with parameters of type Event
 void EmbeddedSource.put(Event event)
 void EmbeddedAgent.put(Event event)
          Adds event to the channel owned by the agent.

Method parameters in org.apache.flume.agent.embedded with type arguments of type Event
 void EmbeddedSource.putAll(List<Event> events)
 void EmbeddedAgent.putAll(List<Event> events)
          Adds events to the channel owned by the agent.

Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.api

Methods in org.apache.flume.api with parameters of type Event
 void ThriftRpcClient.append(Event event)
 void RpcClient.append(Event event)
          Send a single Event to the associated Flume source.
 void NettyAvroRpcClient.append(Event event)
 void LoadBalancingRpcClient.append(Event event)
 void FailoverRpcClient.append(Event event)
          Tries to append an event to the currently connected client.
abstract  void AbstractRpcClient.append(Event event)

Method parameters in org.apache.flume.api with type arguments of type Event
 void ThriftRpcClient.appendBatch(List<Event> events)
 void RpcClient.appendBatch(List<Event> events)
          Send a list of events to the associated Flume source.
 void NettyAvroRpcClient.appendBatch(List<Event> events)
 void LoadBalancingRpcClient.appendBatch(List<Event> events)
 void FailoverRpcClient.appendBatch(List<Event> events)
          Tries to append a list of events to the currently connected client.
abstract  void AbstractRpcClient.appendBatch(List<Event> events)

Uses of Event in

Fields in with type parameters of type Event
 ArrayDeque<Event> SpillableMemoryChannel.memQueue

Methods in that return Event
protected abstract  Event BasicTransactionSemantics.doTake()
 Event PseudoTxnMemoryChannel.take()
protected  Event BasicTransactionSemantics.take()
           The method to which BasicChannelSemantics delegates calls to take.
 Event BasicChannelSemantics.take()
           Ensures that a transaction exists for this thread and then delegates the take to the thread's BasicTransactionSemantics instance.
static Event ChannelUtils.take(Channel channel)
           A convenience method for single-event take transactions.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Event
static List<Event> ChannelUtils.take(Channel channel, int max)
           A convenience method for multiple-event take transactions.

Methods in with parameters of type Event
protected abstract  void BasicTransactionSemantics.doPut(Event event)
 List<Channel> ReplicatingChannelSelector.getOptionalChannels(Event event)
 List<Channel> MultiplexingChannelSelector.getOptionalChannels(Event event)
 List<Channel> ReplicatingChannelSelector.getRequiredChannels(Event event)
 List<Channel> MultiplexingChannelSelector.getRequiredChannels(Event event)
 void ChannelProcessor.processEvent(Event event)
          Attempts to put the given event into each configured channel.
static void ChannelUtils.put(Channel channel, Event event)
           A convenience method for single-event put transactions.
 void PseudoTxnMemoryChannel.put(Event event)
protected  void BasicTransactionSemantics.put(Event event)
           The method to which BasicChannelSemantics delegates calls to put.
 void BasicChannelSemantics.put(Event event)
           Ensures that a transaction exists for this thread and then delegates the put to the thread's BasicTransactionSemantics instance.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Event
 void ChannelProcessor.processEventBatch(List<Event> events)
          Attempts to put the given events into each configured channel.
static void ChannelUtils.put(Channel channel, Collection<Event> events)
           A convenience method for multiple-event put transactions.

Uses of Event in

Methods in that return Event
 Event JdbcChannelProvider.removeEvent(String channelName)
          Removes the next event for the named channel from the underlying persistent store.
 Event JdbcChannel.take()

Methods in with parameters of type Event
 void JdbcChannelProvider.persistEvent(String channelName, Event event)
          Writes the event to the persistent store.
 void JdbcChannel.put(Event event)

Uses of Event in

Classes in that implement Event
 class PersistableEvent

Methods in that return Event
 Event JdbcChannelProviderImpl.removeEvent(String channelName)

Methods in with parameters of type Event
 void JdbcChannelProviderImpl.persistEvent(String channel, Event event)

Constructors in with parameters of type Event
PersistableEvent(String channel, Event event)

Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.client.avro

Methods in org.apache.flume.client.avro that return Event
 Event SimpleTextLineEventReader.readEvent()
 Event ReliableSpoolingFileEventReader.readEvent()
 Event EventReader.readEvent()
          Get the next line associated with the input stream.

Methods in org.apache.flume.client.avro that return types with arguments of type Event
 List<Event> SimpleTextLineEventReader.readEvents(int n)
 List<Event> ReliableSpoolingFileEventReader.readEvents(int numEvents)
 List<Event> EventReader.readEvents(int n)
          Get up to n lines associated with the input stream.

Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.event

Classes in org.apache.flume.event that implement Event
 class JSONEvent
 class SimpleEvent

Methods in org.apache.flume.event that return Event
static Event EventBuilder.withBody(byte[] body)
static Event EventBuilder.withBody(byte[] body, Map<String,String> headers)
          Instantiate an Event instance based on the provided body and headers.
static Event EventBuilder.withBody(String body, Charset charset)
static Event EventBuilder.withBody(String body, Charset charset, Map<String,String> headers)

Methods in org.apache.flume.event with parameters of type Event
static String EventHelper.dumpEvent(Event event)
static String EventHelper.dumpEvent(Event event, int maxBytes)

Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.formatter.output

Methods in org.apache.flume.formatter.output with parameters of type Event
 byte[] TextDelimitedOutputFormatter.format(Event event)
 byte[] EventFormatter.format(Event event)

Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.interceptor

Methods in org.apache.flume.interceptor that return Event
 Event TimestampInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
          Modifies events in-place.
 Event StaticInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
          Modifies events in-place.
 Event RegexFilteringInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
 Event RegexExtractorInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
 Event InterceptorChain.intercept(Event event)
 Event Interceptor.intercept(Event event)
          Interception of a single Event.
 Event HostInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
          Modifies events in-place.

Methods in org.apache.flume.interceptor that return types with arguments of type Event
 List<Event> TimestampInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
          Delegates to TimestampInterceptor.intercept(Event) in a loop.
 List<Event> StaticInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
          Delegates to StaticInterceptor.intercept(Event) in a loop.
 List<Event> RegexFilteringInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
          Returns the set of events which pass filters, according to RegexFilteringInterceptor.intercept(Event).
 List<Event> RegexExtractorInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
 List<Event> InterceptorChain.intercept(List<Event> events)
 List<Event> Interceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
          Interception of a batch of events.
 List<Event> HostInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
          Delegates to HostInterceptor.intercept(Event) in a loop.

Methods in org.apache.flume.interceptor with parameters of type Event
 Event TimestampInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
          Modifies events in-place.
 Event StaticInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
          Modifies events in-place.
 Event RegexFilteringInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
 Event RegexExtractorInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
 Event InterceptorChain.intercept(Event event)
 Event Interceptor.intercept(Event event)
          Interception of a single Event.
 Event HostInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
          Modifies events in-place.

Method parameters in org.apache.flume.interceptor with type arguments of type Event
 List<Event> TimestampInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
          Delegates to TimestampInterceptor.intercept(Event) in a loop.
 List<Event> StaticInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
          Delegates to StaticInterceptor.intercept(Event) in a loop.
 List<Event> RegexFilteringInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
          Returns the set of events which pass filters, according to RegexFilteringInterceptor.intercept(Event).
 List<Event> RegexExtractorInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
 List<Event> InterceptorChain.intercept(List<Event> events)
 List<Event> Interceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
          Interception of a batch of events.
 List<Event> HostInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
          Delegates to HostInterceptor.intercept(Event) in a loop.

Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.serialization

Methods in org.apache.flume.serialization that return Event
protected  Event FlumeEventAvroEventSerializer.convert(Event event)
          A no-op for this simple, special-case implementation
 Event LineDeserializer.readEvent()
          Reads a line from a file and returns an event
 Event EventDeserializer.readEvent()
          Read a single event from the underlying stream.
 Event AvroEventDeserializer.readEvent()

Methods in org.apache.flume.serialization that return types with arguments of type Event
 List<Event> LineDeserializer.readEvents(int numEvents)
          Batch line read
 List<Event> EventDeserializer.readEvents(int numEvents)
          Read a batch of events from the underlying stream.
 List<Event> AvroEventDeserializer.readEvents(int numEvents)

Methods in org.apache.flume.serialization with parameters of type Event
protected  Event FlumeEventAvroEventSerializer.convert(Event event)
          A no-op for this simple, special-case implementation
protected abstract  T AbstractAvroEventSerializer.convert(Event event)
          Simple conversion routine used to convert an Event to a type of your choosing.
 void HeaderAndBodyTextEventSerializer.write(Event e)
 void EventSerializer.write(Event event)
          Serialize and write the given event.
 void BodyTextEventSerializer.write(Event e)
 void AbstractAvroEventSerializer.write(Event event)

Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch

Methods in org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch with parameters of type Event
 org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder ElasticSearchIndexRequestBuilderFactory.createIndexRequest(org.elasticsearch.client.Client client, String indexPrefix, String indexType, Event event)
 org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder AbstractElasticSearchIndexRequestBuilderFactory.createIndexRequest(org.elasticsearch.client.Client client, String indexPrefix, String indexType, Event event)
          Creates and prepares an IndexRequestBuilder from the supplied Client via delegation to the subclass-hook template methods AbstractElasticSearchIndexRequestBuilderFactory.getIndexName(String, long) and AbstractElasticSearchIndexRequestBuilderFactory.prepareIndexRequest(IndexRequestBuilder, String, String, Event)
 org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder ElasticSearchLogStashEventSerializer.getContentBuilder(Event event)
    ElasticSearchEventSerializer.getContentBuilder(Event event)
          Return an BytesStream made up of the serialized flume event
 org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder ElasticSearchDynamicSerializer.getContentBuilder(Event event)
 String TimeBasedIndexNameBuilder.getIndexName(Event event)
          Gets the name of the index to use for an index request
 String SimpleIndexNameBuilder.getIndexName(Event event)
 String IndexNameBuilder.getIndexName(Event event)
          Gets the name of the index to use for an index request
 String TimeBasedIndexNameBuilder.getIndexPrefix(Event event)
 String SimpleIndexNameBuilder.getIndexPrefix(Event event)
 String IndexNameBuilder.getIndexPrefix(Event event)
          Gets the prefix of index to use for an index request.
protected  void EventSerializerIndexRequestBuilderFactory.prepareIndexRequest(org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder indexRequest, String indexName, String indexType, Event event)
protected abstract  void AbstractElasticSearchIndexRequestBuilderFactory.prepareIndexRequest(org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder indexRequest, String indexName, String indexType, Event event)
          Prepares an ElasticSearch IndexRequestBuilder instance

Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch.client

Methods in org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch.client with parameters of type Event
 void ElasticSearchTransportClient.addEvent(Event event, IndexNameBuilder indexNameBuilder, String indexType, long ttlMs)
 void ElasticSearchRestClient.addEvent(Event event, IndexNameBuilder indexNameBuilder, String indexType, long ttlMs)
 void ElasticSearchClient.addEvent(Event event, IndexNameBuilder indexNameBuilder, String indexType, long ttlMs)
          Add new event to the bulk

Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.sink.hbase

Methods in org.apache.flume.sink.hbase with parameters of type Event
 void SimpleHbaseEventSerializer.initialize(Event event, byte[] cf)
 void RegexHbaseEventSerializer.initialize(Event event, byte[] columnFamily)
 void HbaseEventSerializer.initialize(Event event, byte[] columnFamily)
          Initialize the event serializer.
 void SimpleAsyncHbaseEventSerializer.setEvent(Event event)
 void AsyncHbaseEventSerializer.setEvent(Event event)

Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs

Methods in org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs with parameters of type Event
 void HDFSWriter.append(Event e)
 void HDFSSequenceFile.append(Event e)
 void HDFSDataStream.append(Event e)
 void HDFSCompressedDataStream.append(Event e)
 Iterable<SequenceFileSerializer.Record> SequenceFileSerializer.serialize(Event e)
          Format the given event into zero, one or more SequenceFile records
 Iterable<SequenceFileSerializer.Record> HDFSWritableSerializer.serialize(Event e)
 Iterable<SequenceFileSerializer.Record> HDFSTextSerializer.serialize(Event e)
 void AvroEventSerializer.write(Event event)

Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline

Methods in org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline that return Event
 Event UUIDInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
 Event MorphlineInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
 Event BlobDeserializer.readEvent()
          Reads a BLOB from a file and returns an event

Methods in org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline that return types with arguments of type Event
 List<Event> BlobHandler.getEvents(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
 List<Event> UUIDInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
 List<Event> MorphlineInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
 List<Event> BlobDeserializer.readEvents(int numEvents)
          Batch BLOB read

Methods in org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline with parameters of type Event
 Event UUIDInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
 Event MorphlineInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
protected  boolean UUIDInterceptor.isMatch(Event event)
 void MorphlineHandlerImpl.process(Event event)
 void MorphlineHandler.process(Event event)
          Loads the given event into Solr

Method parameters in org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline with type arguments of type Event
 List<Event> UUIDInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
 List<Event> MorphlineInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)

Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.source

Methods in org.apache.flume.source that return Event
 Event SyslogUtils.extractEvent(org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer in)
 Event SyslogParser.parseMessage(String msg, Charset charset, boolean keepFields)
          Parses a Flume Event out of a syslog message string.

Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.source.http

Methods in org.apache.flume.source.http that return types with arguments of type Event
 List<Event> JSONHandler.getEvents(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Takes an HttpServletRequest and returns a list of Flume Events.
 List<Event> HTTPSourceHandler.getEvents(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
          Takes an HttpServletRequest and returns a list of Flume Events.

Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.source.jms

Methods in org.apache.flume.source.jms that return types with arguments of type Event
 List<Event> JMSMessageConverter.convert(javax.jms.Message message)
 List<Event> DefaultJMSMessageConverter.convert(javax.jms.Message message)

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