Uses of Event in org.apache.flume |
Methods in org.apache.flume that return Event | |
Event |
Returns the next event from the channel if available. |
Methods in org.apache.flume with parameters of type Event | |
List<Channel> |
ChannelSelector.getOptionalChannels(Event event)
Returns a list of optional channels. |
List<Channel> |
ChannelSelector.getRequiredChannels(Event event)
Returns a list of required channels. |
void |
Channel.put(Event event)
Puts the given event into the channel. |
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.agent.embedded |
Methods in org.apache.flume.agent.embedded with parameters of type Event | |
void |
EmbeddedSource.put(Event event)
void |
EmbeddedAgent.put(Event event)
Adds event to the channel owned by the agent. |
Method parameters in org.apache.flume.agent.embedded with type arguments of type Event | |
void |
EmbeddedSource.putAll(List<Event> events)
void |
EmbeddedAgent.putAll(List<Event> events)
Adds events to the channel owned by the agent. |
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.api |
Methods in org.apache.flume.api with parameters of type Event | |
void |
ThriftRpcClient.append(Event event)
void |
RpcClient.append(Event event)
Send a single Event to the associated Flume source. |
void |
NettyAvroRpcClient.append(Event event)
void |
LoadBalancingRpcClient.append(Event event)
void |
FailoverRpcClient.append(Event event)
Tries to append an event to the currently connected client. |
abstract void |
AbstractRpcClient.append(Event event)
Method parameters in org.apache.flume.api with type arguments of type Event | |
void |
ThriftRpcClient.appendBatch(List<Event> events)
void |
RpcClient.appendBatch(List<Event> events)
Send a list of events to the associated Flume source. |
void |
NettyAvroRpcClient.appendBatch(List<Event> events)
void |
LoadBalancingRpcClient.appendBatch(List<Event> events)
void |
FailoverRpcClient.appendBatch(List<Event> events)
Tries to append a list of events to the currently connected client. |
abstract void |
AbstractRpcClient.appendBatch(List<Event> events)
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.channel |
Fields in org.apache.flume.channel with type parameters of type Event | |
ArrayDeque<Event> |
Methods in org.apache.flume.channel that return Event | |
protected abstract Event |
Event |
protected Event |
The method to which BasicChannelSemantics delegates calls
to take . |
Event |
Ensures that a transaction exists for this thread and then delegates the take to the thread's BasicTransactionSemantics instance. |
static Event |
ChannelUtils.take(Channel channel)
A convenience method for single-event take transactions. |
Methods in org.apache.flume.channel that return types with arguments of type Event | |
static List<Event> |
ChannelUtils.take(Channel channel,
int max)
A convenience method for multiple-event take transactions. |
Methods in org.apache.flume.channel with parameters of type Event | |
protected abstract void |
BasicTransactionSemantics.doPut(Event event)
List<Channel> |
ReplicatingChannelSelector.getOptionalChannels(Event event)
List<Channel> |
MultiplexingChannelSelector.getOptionalChannels(Event event)
List<Channel> |
ReplicatingChannelSelector.getRequiredChannels(Event event)
List<Channel> |
MultiplexingChannelSelector.getRequiredChannels(Event event)
void |
ChannelProcessor.processEvent(Event event)
Attempts to put the given event into each configured channel. |
static void |
ChannelUtils.put(Channel channel,
Event event)
A convenience method for single-event put transactions. |
void |
PseudoTxnMemoryChannel.put(Event event)
protected void |
BasicTransactionSemantics.put(Event event)
The method to which BasicChannelSemantics delegates calls
to put . |
void |
BasicChannelSemantics.put(Event event)
Ensures that a transaction exists for this thread and then delegates the put to the thread's BasicTransactionSemantics instance. |
Method parameters in org.apache.flume.channel with type arguments of type Event | |
void |
ChannelProcessor.processEventBatch(List<Event> events)
Attempts to put the given events into each configured channel. |
static void |
ChannelUtils.put(Channel channel,
Collection<Event> events)
A convenience method for multiple-event put transactions. |
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.channel.jdbc |
Methods in org.apache.flume.channel.jdbc that return Event | |
Event |
JdbcChannelProvider.removeEvent(String channelName)
Removes the next event for the named channel from the underlying persistent store. |
Event |
Methods in org.apache.flume.channel.jdbc with parameters of type Event | |
void |
JdbcChannelProvider.persistEvent(String channelName,
Event event)
Writes the event to the persistent store. |
void |
JdbcChannel.put(Event event)
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.channel.jdbc.impl |
Classes in org.apache.flume.channel.jdbc.impl that implement Event | |
class |
Methods in org.apache.flume.channel.jdbc.impl that return Event | |
Event |
JdbcChannelProviderImpl.removeEvent(String channelName)
Methods in org.apache.flume.channel.jdbc.impl with parameters of type Event | |
void |
JdbcChannelProviderImpl.persistEvent(String channel,
Event event)
Constructors in org.apache.flume.channel.jdbc.impl with parameters of type Event | |
PersistableEvent(String channel,
Event event)
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.client.avro |
Methods in org.apache.flume.client.avro that return Event | |
Event |
Event |
Event |
Get the next line associated with the input stream. |
Methods in org.apache.flume.client.avro that return types with arguments of type Event | |
List<Event> |
SimpleTextLineEventReader.readEvents(int n)
List<Event> |
ReliableSpoolingFileEventReader.readEvents(int numEvents)
List<Event> |
EventReader.readEvents(int n)
Get up to n lines associated with the input stream. |
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.event |
Classes in org.apache.flume.event that implement Event | |
class |
class |
Methods in org.apache.flume.event that return Event | |
static Event |
EventBuilder.withBody(byte[] body)
static Event |
EventBuilder.withBody(byte[] body,
Map<String,String> headers)
Instantiate an Event instance based on the provided body and headers. |
static Event |
EventBuilder.withBody(String body,
Charset charset)
static Event |
EventBuilder.withBody(String body,
Charset charset,
Map<String,String> headers)
Methods in org.apache.flume.event with parameters of type Event | |
static String |
EventHelper.dumpEvent(Event event)
static String |
EventHelper.dumpEvent(Event event,
int maxBytes)
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.formatter.output |
Methods in org.apache.flume.formatter.output with parameters of type Event | |
byte[] |
TextDelimitedOutputFormatter.format(Event event)
Deprecated. |
byte[] |
EventFormatter.format(Event event)
Deprecated. |
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.interceptor |
Methods in org.apache.flume.interceptor that return Event | |
Event |
TimestampInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
Modifies events in-place. |
Event |
StaticInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
Modifies events in-place. |
Event |
RegexFilteringInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
Event |
RegexExtractorInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
Event |
InterceptorChain.intercept(Event event)
Event |
Interceptor.intercept(Event event)
Interception of a single Event . |
Event |
HostInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
Modifies events in-place. |
Methods in org.apache.flume.interceptor that return types with arguments of type Event | |
List<Event> |
TimestampInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
Delegates to TimestampInterceptor.intercept(Event) in a loop. |
List<Event> |
StaticInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
Delegates to StaticInterceptor.intercept(Event) in a loop. |
List<Event> |
RegexFilteringInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
Returns the set of events which pass filters, according to RegexFilteringInterceptor.intercept(Event) . |
List<Event> |
RegexExtractorInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
List<Event> |
InterceptorChain.intercept(List<Event> events)
List<Event> |
Interceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
Interception of a batch of events. |
List<Event> |
HostInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
Delegates to HostInterceptor.intercept(Event) in a loop. |
Methods in org.apache.flume.interceptor with parameters of type Event | |
Event |
TimestampInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
Modifies events in-place. |
Event |
StaticInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
Modifies events in-place. |
Event |
RegexFilteringInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
Event |
RegexExtractorInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
Event |
InterceptorChain.intercept(Event event)
Event |
Interceptor.intercept(Event event)
Interception of a single Event . |
Event |
HostInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
Modifies events in-place. |
Method parameters in org.apache.flume.interceptor with type arguments of type Event | |
List<Event> |
TimestampInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
Delegates to TimestampInterceptor.intercept(Event) in a loop. |
List<Event> |
StaticInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
Delegates to StaticInterceptor.intercept(Event) in a loop. |
List<Event> |
RegexFilteringInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
Returns the set of events which pass filters, according to RegexFilteringInterceptor.intercept(Event) . |
List<Event> |
RegexExtractorInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
List<Event> |
InterceptorChain.intercept(List<Event> events)
List<Event> |
Interceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
Interception of a batch of events. |
List<Event> |
HostInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
Delegates to HostInterceptor.intercept(Event) in a loop. |
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.serialization |
Methods in org.apache.flume.serialization that return Event | |
protected Event |
FlumeEventAvroEventSerializer.convert(Event event)
A no-op for this simple, special-case implementation |
Event |
Reads a line from a file and returns an event |
Event |
Read a single event from the underlying stream. |
Event |
Methods in org.apache.flume.serialization that return types with arguments of type Event | |
List<Event> |
LineDeserializer.readEvents(int numEvents)
Batch line read |
List<Event> |
EventDeserializer.readEvents(int numEvents)
Read a batch of events from the underlying stream. |
List<Event> |
AvroEventDeserializer.readEvents(int numEvents)
Methods in org.apache.flume.serialization with parameters of type Event | |
protected Event |
FlumeEventAvroEventSerializer.convert(Event event)
A no-op for this simple, special-case implementation |
protected abstract T |
AbstractAvroEventSerializer.convert(Event event)
Simple conversion routine used to convert an Event to a type of your choosing. |
void |
HeaderAndBodyTextEventSerializer.write(Event e)
void |
EventSerializer.write(Event event)
Serialize and write the given event. |
void |
BodyTextEventSerializer.write(Event e)
void |
AbstractAvroEventSerializer.write(Event event)
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch |
Methods in org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch with parameters of type Event | |
org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder |
ElasticSearchIndexRequestBuilderFactory.createIndexRequest(org.elasticsearch.client.Client client,
String indexPrefix,
String indexType,
Event event)
org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder |
AbstractElasticSearchIndexRequestBuilderFactory.createIndexRequest(org.elasticsearch.client.Client client,
String indexPrefix,
String indexType,
Event event)
Creates and prepares an IndexRequestBuilder from the supplied
Client via delegation to the subclass-hook template methods
AbstractElasticSearchIndexRequestBuilderFactory.getIndexName(String, long) and
AbstractElasticSearchIndexRequestBuilderFactory.prepareIndexRequest(IndexRequestBuilder, String, String, Event) |
org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder |
ElasticSearchLogStashEventSerializer.getContentBuilder(Event event)
org.elasticsearch.common.io.BytesStream |
ElasticSearchEventSerializer.getContentBuilder(Event event)
Return an BytesStream made up of the serialized flume event |
org.elasticsearch.common.xcontent.XContentBuilder |
ElasticSearchDynamicSerializer.getContentBuilder(Event event)
String |
TimeBasedIndexNameBuilder.getIndexName(Event event)
Gets the name of the index to use for an index request |
String |
SimpleIndexNameBuilder.getIndexName(Event event)
String |
IndexNameBuilder.getIndexName(Event event)
Gets the name of the index to use for an index request |
String |
TimeBasedIndexNameBuilder.getIndexPrefix(Event event)
String |
SimpleIndexNameBuilder.getIndexPrefix(Event event)
String |
IndexNameBuilder.getIndexPrefix(Event event)
Gets the prefix of index to use for an index request. |
protected void |
EventSerializerIndexRequestBuilderFactory.prepareIndexRequest(org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder indexRequest,
String indexName,
String indexType,
Event event)
protected abstract void |
AbstractElasticSearchIndexRequestBuilderFactory.prepareIndexRequest(org.elasticsearch.action.index.IndexRequestBuilder indexRequest,
String indexName,
String indexType,
Event event)
Prepares an ElasticSearch IndexRequestBuilder instance |
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch.client |
Methods in org.apache.flume.sink.elasticsearch.client with parameters of type Event | |
void |
ElasticSearchTransportClient.addEvent(Event event,
IndexNameBuilder indexNameBuilder,
String indexType,
long ttlMs)
void |
ElasticSearchRestClient.addEvent(Event event,
IndexNameBuilder indexNameBuilder,
String indexType,
long ttlMs)
void |
ElasticSearchClient.addEvent(Event event,
IndexNameBuilder indexNameBuilder,
String indexType,
long ttlMs)
Add new event to the bulk |
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.sink.hbase |
Methods in org.apache.flume.sink.hbase with parameters of type Event | |
void |
SimpleHbaseEventSerializer.initialize(Event event,
byte[] cf)
void |
RegexHbaseEventSerializer.initialize(Event event,
byte[] columnFamily)
void |
HbaseEventSerializer.initialize(Event event,
byte[] columnFamily)
Initialize the event serializer. |
void |
SimpleAsyncHbaseEventSerializer.setEvent(Event event)
void |
AsyncHbaseEventSerializer.setEvent(Event event)
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs |
Methods in org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs with parameters of type Event | |
void |
HDFSWriter.append(Event e)
void |
HDFSSequenceFile.append(Event e)
void |
HDFSDataStream.append(Event e)
void |
HDFSCompressedDataStream.append(Event e)
Iterable<SequenceFileSerializer.Record> |
SequenceFileSerializer.serialize(Event e)
Format the given event into zero, one or more SequenceFile records |
Iterable<SequenceFileSerializer.Record> |
HDFSWritableSerializer.serialize(Event e)
Iterable<SequenceFileSerializer.Record> |
HDFSTextSerializer.serialize(Event e)
void |
AvroEventSerializer.write(Event event)
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline |
Methods in org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline that return Event | |
Event |
UUIDInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
Event |
MorphlineInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
Event |
Reads a BLOB from a file and returns an event |
Methods in org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline that return types with arguments of type Event | |
List<Event> |
BlobHandler.getEvents(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
List<Event> |
UUIDInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
List<Event> |
MorphlineInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
List<Event> |
BlobDeserializer.readEvents(int numEvents)
Batch BLOB read |
Methods in org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline with parameters of type Event | |
Event |
UUIDInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
Event |
MorphlineInterceptor.intercept(Event event)
protected boolean |
UUIDInterceptor.isMatch(Event event)
void |
MorphlineHandlerImpl.process(Event event)
void |
MorphlineHandler.process(Event event)
Loads the given event into Solr |
Method parameters in org.apache.flume.sink.solr.morphline with type arguments of type Event | |
List<Event> |
UUIDInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
List<Event> |
MorphlineInterceptor.intercept(List<Event> events)
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.source |
Methods in org.apache.flume.source that return Event | |
Event |
SyslogUtils.extractEvent(org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBuffer in)
Event |
SyslogParser.parseMessage(String msg,
Charset charset,
boolean keepFields)
Parses a Flume Event out of a syslog message string. |
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.source.http |
Methods in org.apache.flume.source.http that return types with arguments of type Event | |
List<Event> |
JSONHandler.getEvents(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Takes an HttpServletRequest and returns a list of Flume Events. |
List<Event> |
HTTPSourceHandler.getEvents(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
Takes an HttpServletRequest and returns a list of Flume Events. |
Uses of Event in org.apache.flume.source.jms |
Methods in org.apache.flume.source.jms that return types with arguments of type Event | |
List<Event> |
JMSMessageConverter.convert(javax.jms.Message message)
List<Event> |
DefaultJMSMessageConverter.convert(javax.jms.Message message)