Uses of Interface

Packages that use Channel

Uses of Channel in org.apache.flume

Methods in org.apache.flume that return Channel
 Channel ChannelFactory.create(String name, String type)
 Channel Sink.getChannel()

Methods in org.apache.flume that return types with arguments of type Channel
 List<Channel> ChannelSelector.getAllChannels()
 Class<? extends Channel> ChannelFactory.getClass(String type)
 List<Channel> ChannelSelector.getOptionalChannels(Event event)
          Returns a list of optional channels.
 List<Channel> ChannelSelector.getRequiredChannels(Event event)
          Returns a list of required channels.

Methods in org.apache.flume with parameters of type Channel
 void Sink.setChannel(Channel channel)
          Sets the channel the sink will consume from

Method parameters in org.apache.flume with type arguments of type Channel
 void ChannelSelector.setChannels(List<Channel> channels)

Uses of Channel in

Classes in that implement Channel
 class AbstractChannel
 class BasicChannelSemantics
           An implementation of basic Channel semantics, including the implied thread-local semantics of the Transaction class, which is required to extend BasicTransactionSemantics.
 class MemoryChannel
           MemoryChannel is the recommended channel to use when speeds which writing to disk is impractical is required or durability of data is not required.
 class PseudoTxnMemoryChannel
           A capacity-capped Channel implementation that supports in-memory buffering and delivery of events.
 class SpillableMemoryChannel
           SpillableMemoryChannel will use main memory for buffering events until it has reached capacity.

Methods in that return Channel
 Channel DefaultChannelFactory.create(String name, String type)

Methods in that return types with arguments of type Channel
 List<Channel> AbstractChannelSelector.getAllChannels()
protected  List<Channel> AbstractChannelSelector.getChannelListFromNames(String channels, Map<String,Channel> channelNameMap)
          Given a list of channel names as space delimited string, returns list of channels.
protected  Map<String,Channel> AbstractChannelSelector.getChannelNameMap()
 Class<? extends Channel> DefaultChannelFactory.getClass(String type)
 List<Channel> ReplicatingChannelSelector.getOptionalChannels(Event event)
 List<Channel> MultiplexingChannelSelector.getOptionalChannels(Event event)
 List<Channel> ReplicatingChannelSelector.getRequiredChannels(Event event)
 List<Channel> MultiplexingChannelSelector.getRequiredChannels(Event event)

Methods in with parameters of type Channel
static void ChannelUtils.put(Channel channel, Collection<Event> events)
           A convenience method for multiple-event put transactions.
static void ChannelUtils.put(Channel channel, Event event)
           A convenience method for single-event put transactions.
static Event ChannelUtils.take(Channel channel)
           A convenience method for single-event take transactions.
static List<Event> ChannelUtils.take(Channel channel, int max)
           A convenience method for multiple-event take transactions.
<T> T
ChannelUtils.transact(Channel channel, Callable<T> transactor)
           A general optimistic implementation of Transaction client semantics.
static void ChannelUtils.transact(Channel channel, Runnable transactor)
           A convenience method for transactions that don't require a return value.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type Channel
static ChannelSelector ChannelSelectorFactory.create(List<Channel> channels, ChannelSelectorConfiguration conf)
static ChannelSelector ChannelSelectorFactory.create(List<Channel> channels, Map<String,String> config)
protected  List<Channel> AbstractChannelSelector.getChannelListFromNames(String channels, Map<String,Channel> channelNameMap)
          Given a list of channel names as space delimited string, returns list of channels.
 void AbstractChannelSelector.setChannels(List<Channel> channels)

Uses of Channel in

Classes in that implement Channel
 class FileChannel
           A durable Channel implementation that uses the local file system for its storage.

Uses of Channel in

Classes in that implement Channel
 class JdbcChannel
           A JDBC based channel implementation.

Uses of Channel in org.apache.flume.node

Methods in org.apache.flume.node that return types with arguments of type Channel<String,Channel> SimpleMaterializedConfiguration.getChannels()
   <String,Channel> MaterializedConfiguration.getChannels()

Methods in org.apache.flume.node with parameters of type Channel
 void SimpleMaterializedConfiguration.addChannel(String name, Channel channel)
 void MaterializedConfiguration.addChannel(String name, Channel channel)

Uses of Channel in org.apache.flume.sink

Methods in org.apache.flume.sink that return Channel
 Channel AbstractSink.getChannel()

Methods in org.apache.flume.sink with parameters of type Channel
 void AbstractSink.setChannel(Channel channel)

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