Class PropertiesFileConfigurationProvider
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- ConfigurationProvider
- Direct Known Subclasses:
- PollingPropertiesFileConfigurationProvider
public class PropertiesFileConfigurationProvider
- extends AbstractConfigurationProvider
A configuration provider that uses properties file for specifying
configuration. The configuration files follow the Java properties file syntax
rules specified at Properties.load(
. Every
configuration value specified in the properties file is prefixed by an
Agent Name which helps isolate an individual agent's namespace.
Valid configuration files must observe the following rules for every agent
- For every <agent name> there must be three lists specified that
include <agent name>.sources,
<agent name>.sinks, and <agent name>.channels.
Each of these lists must contain a space separated list of names
corresponding to that particular entity.
- For each source named in <agent name>.sources, there must
be a non-empty type attribute specified from the valid set of source
types. For example:
<agent name>.sources.<source name>.type = event
- For each source named in <agent name>.sources, there must
be a space-separated list of channel names that the source will associate
with during runtime. Each of these names must be contained in the channels
list specified by <agent name>.channels. For example:
<agent name>.sources.<source name>.channels =
<channel-1 name> <channel-2 name>
- For each source named in the <agent name>.sources, there
must be a runner namespace of configuration that configures the
associated source runner. For example:
<agent name>.sources.<source name>.runner.type = avro.
This namespace can also be used to configure other configuration of the
source runner as needed. For example:
<agent name>.sources.<source name>.runner.port = 10101
- For each source named in <sources>.sources there can
be an optional selector.type specified that identifies the type
of channel selector associated with the source. If not specified, the
default replicating channel selector is used.
- For each channel named in the <agent name>.channels,
there must be a non-empty type attribute specified from the valid
set of channel types. For example:
<agent name>.channels.<channel name>.type = mem
- For each sink named in the <agent name>.sinks, there must
be a non-empty type attribute specified from the valid set of sink
types. For example:
<agent name>.sinks.<sink name>.type = hdfs
- For each sink named in the <agent name>.sinks, there must
be a non-empty single-valued channel name specified as the value of the
channel attribute. This value must be contained in the channels list
specified by <agent name>.channels. For example:
<agent name>.sinks.<sink name>.channel =
<channel name>
- For each sink named in the <agent name>.sinks, there must
be a runner namespace of configuration that configures the
associated sink runner. For example:
<agent name>.sinks.<sink name>.runner.type = polling.
This namespace can also be used to configure other configuration of the sink
runner as needed. For example:
<agent name>.sinks.<sink name>.runner.polling.interval =
- A fourth optional list <agent name>.sinkgroups
may be added to each agent, consisting of unique space separated names
for groups
- Each sinkgroup must specify sinks, containing a list of all sinks
belonging to it. These cannot be shared by multiple groups.
Further, one can set a processor and behavioral parameters to determine
how sink selection is made via <agent name>.sinkgroups.<
group name<.processor. For further detail refer to inividual processor
- Sinks not assigned to a group will be assigned to default single sink
Apart from the above required configuration values, each source, sink or
channel can have its own set of arbitrary configuration as required by the
implementation. Each of these configuration values are expressed by fully
namespace qualified configuration keys. For example, the configuration
property called capacity for a channel called ch1 for the
agent named host1 with value 1000 will be expressed as:
host1.channels.ch1.capacity = 1000.
Any information contained in the configuration file other than what pertains
to the configured agents, sources, sinks and channels via the explicitly
enumerated list of sources, sinks and channels per agent name are ignored by
this provider. Moreover, if any of the required configuration values are not
present in the configuration file for the configured entities, that entity
and anything that depends upon it is considered invalid and consequently not
configured. For example, if a channel is missing its type attribute,
it is considered misconfigured. Also, any sources or sinks that depend upon
this channel are also considered misconfigured and not initialized.
Example configuration file:
# Flume Configuration
# This file contains configuration for one Agent identified as host1.
host1.sources = avroSource thriftSource
host1.channels = jdbcChannel
host1.sinks = hdfsSink
# avroSource configuration
host1.sources.avroSource.type = org.apache.flume.source.AvroSource
host1.sources.avroSource.runner.type = avro
host1.sources.avroSource.runner.port = 11001
host1.sources.avroSource.channels = jdbcChannel
host1.sources.avroSource.selector.type = replicating
# thriftSource configuration
host1.sources.thriftSource.type = org.apache.flume.source.ThriftSource
host1.sources.thriftSource.runner.type = thrift
host1.sources.thriftSource.runner.port = 12001
host1.sources.thriftSource.channels = jdbcChannel
# jdbcChannel configuration
host1.channels.jdbcChannel.type = jdbc
host1.channels.jdbcChannel.jdbc.driver = com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
host1.channels.jdbcChannel.jdbc.connect.url = http://localhost/flumedb
host1.channels.jdbcChannel.jdbc.username = flume
host1.channels.jdbcChannel.jdbc.password = flume
# hdfsSink configuration
host1.sinks.hdfsSink.type = hdfs
host1.sinks.hdfsSink.hdfs.path = hdfs://localhost/
host1.sinks.hdfsSink.batchsize = 1000
host1.sinks.hdfsSink.runner.type = polling
host1.sinks.hdfsSink.runner.polling.interval = 60
- See Also:
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object |
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait |
public PropertiesFileConfigurationProvider(String agentName,
File file)
public FlumeConfiguration getFlumeConfiguration()
- Specified by:
in class AbstractConfigurationProvider
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