Package org.apache.flume.api

Interface Summary
RpcClient Public client interface for sending data to Flume.

Class Summary
FailoverRpcClient Avro/Netty implementation of RpcClient which supports failover.
HostInfo A convenience class that holds the property reference name along with the hostname and port number of a specified host address.
LoadBalancingRpcClient An implementation of RpcClient interface that uses NettyAvroRpcClient instances to load-balance the requests over many different hosts.
NettyAvroRpcClient Avro/Netty implementation of RpcClient.
RpcClientConfigurationConstants Configuration constants used by the RpcClient.
RpcClientFactory Factory class to construct Flume RPCClient implementations.
SecureRpcClientFactory Factory class to construct Flume RPCClient implementations.
SecureThriftRpcClient.UgiSaslClientTransport This transport wraps the Sasl transports to set up the right UGI context for open().

Enum Summary

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