Packages that use Channel | |
org.apache.flume | |
org.apache.flume.channel | |
org.apache.flume.channel.file | |
org.apache.flume.channel.jdbc | |
org.apache.flume.node | |
org.apache.flume.sink |
Uses of Channel in org.apache.flume |
Methods in org.apache.flume that return Channel | |
Channel |
ChannelFactory.create(String name,
String type)
Channel |
Methods in org.apache.flume that return types with arguments of type Channel | |
List<Channel> |
Class<? extends Channel> |
ChannelFactory.getClass(String type)
List<Channel> |
ChannelSelector.getOptionalChannels(Event event)
Returns a list of optional channels. |
List<Channel> |
ChannelSelector.getRequiredChannels(Event event)
Returns a list of required channels. |
Methods in org.apache.flume with parameters of type Channel | |
void |
Sink.setChannel(Channel channel)
Sets the channel the sink will consume from |
Method parameters in org.apache.flume with type arguments of type Channel | |
void |
ChannelSelector.setChannels(List<Channel> channels)
Uses of Channel in org.apache.flume.channel |
Classes in org.apache.flume.channel that implement Channel | |
class |
class |
An implementation of basic Channel semantics, including the
implied thread-local semantics of the Transaction class,
which is required to extend BasicTransactionSemantics . |
class |
MemoryChannel is the recommended channel to use when speeds which writing to disk is impractical is required or durability of data is not required. |
class |
A capacity-capped Channel implementation that supports in-memory
buffering and delivery of events. |
class |
SpillableMemoryChannel will use main memory for buffering events until it has reached capacity. |
Methods in org.apache.flume.channel that return Channel | |
Channel |
DefaultChannelFactory.create(String name,
String type)
Methods in org.apache.flume.channel that return types with arguments of type Channel | |
List<Channel> |
protected List<Channel> |
AbstractChannelSelector.getChannelListFromNames(String channels,
Map<String,Channel> channelNameMap)
Given a list of channel names as space delimited string, returns list of channels. |
protected Map<String,Channel> |
Class<? extends Channel> |
DefaultChannelFactory.getClass(String type)
List<Channel> |
ReplicatingChannelSelector.getOptionalChannels(Event event)
List<Channel> |
MultiplexingChannelSelector.getOptionalChannels(Event event)
List<Channel> |
ReplicatingChannelSelector.getRequiredChannels(Event event)
List<Channel> |
MultiplexingChannelSelector.getRequiredChannels(Event event)
Methods in org.apache.flume.channel with parameters of type Channel | ||
static void |
ChannelUtils.put(Channel channel,
Collection<Event> events)
A convenience method for multiple-event put transactions. |
static void |
ChannelUtils.put(Channel channel,
Event event)
A convenience method for single-event put transactions. |
static Event |
ChannelUtils.take(Channel channel)
A convenience method for single-event take transactions. |
static List<Event> |
ChannelUtils.take(Channel channel,
int max)
A convenience method for multiple-event take transactions. |
ChannelUtils.transact(Channel channel,
Callable<T> transactor)
A general optimistic implementation of Transaction client
semantics. |
static void |
ChannelUtils.transact(Channel channel,
Runnable transactor)
A convenience method for transactions that don't require a return value. |
Method parameters in org.apache.flume.channel with type arguments of type Channel | |
static ChannelSelector |
ChannelSelectorFactory.create(List<Channel> channels,
ChannelSelectorConfiguration conf)
static ChannelSelector |
ChannelSelectorFactory.create(List<Channel> channels,
Map<String,String> config)
protected List<Channel> |
AbstractChannelSelector.getChannelListFromNames(String channels,
Map<String,Channel> channelNameMap)
Given a list of channel names as space delimited string, returns list of channels. |
void |
AbstractChannelSelector.setChannels(List<Channel> channels)
Uses of Channel in org.apache.flume.channel.file |
Classes in org.apache.flume.channel.file that implement Channel | |
class |
A durable Channel implementation that uses the local file system for
its storage. |
Uses of Channel in org.apache.flume.channel.jdbc |
Classes in org.apache.flume.channel.jdbc that implement Channel | |
class |
A JDBC based channel implementation. |
Uses of Channel in org.apache.flume.node |
Methods in org.apache.flume.node that return types with arguments of type Channel | |
com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap<String,Channel> |
com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap<String,Channel> |
Methods in org.apache.flume.node with parameters of type Channel | |
void |
SimpleMaterializedConfiguration.addChannel(String name,
Channel channel)
void |
MaterializedConfiguration.addChannel(String name,
Channel channel)
Uses of Channel in org.apache.flume.sink |
Methods in org.apache.flume.sink that return Channel | |
Channel |
Methods in org.apache.flume.sink with parameters of type Channel | |
void |
AbstractSink.setChannel(Channel channel)