Class SpoolingFileLineReader

  extended by org.apache.flume.client.avro.SpoolingFileLineReader
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SpoolingFileLineReader
extends Object
implements LineReader

A LineReader which reads log data from files stored in a spooling directory and renames each file once all of its data has been read (through readLine() calls). The user must commit() each read, to indicate that the lines have been fully processed. Read calls will return no data if there are no files left to read. This class, in general, is not thread safe. This reader assumes that files with unique file names are left in the spooling directory and not modified once they are placed there. Any user behavior which violates these assumptions, when detected, will result in a FlumeException being thrown. This class makes the following guarantees, if above assumptions are met: 1) Once a log file has been renamed with the completedSuffix, all of its records have been read through the readLine() function and commit()'d exactly once. 2) All files in the spooling directory will eventually be opened and delivered to a readLine() caller. NOTE: This class is for internal Flume components, this is not an extension point for developers customizing Flume.

Field Summary
 String completedSuffix
Constructor Summary
SpoolingFileLineReader(File directory, String completedSuffix, int bufferMaxLines, int bufferMaxLineLength)
          Create a SpoolingFileLineReader to watch the given directory.
Method Summary
 void close()
          Clean-up any state associated with this reader.
 void commit()
          Commit the last lines which were read.
 String getLastFileRead()
          Return the filename which generated the data from the last successful #readLines() call.
 String readLine()
          Get the next line associated with the input stream.
 List<String> readLines(int n)
          Get up to n lines associated with the input stream.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public String completedSuffix
Constructor Detail


public SpoolingFileLineReader(File directory,
                              String completedSuffix,
                              int bufferMaxLines,
                              int bufferMaxLineLength)
Create a SpoolingFileLineReader to watch the given directory. Lines are buffered between when they are read and when they are committed. The buffer has a fixed size. Its size is determined by (maxLinestoBuffer * bufferSizePerLine).

directory - The directory to watch
completedSuffix - The suffix to append to completed files
bufferMaxLines - The maximum number of lines to keep in a pre-commit buffer
bufferMaxLineLength - The maximum line length for lines in the pre-commit buffer, in characters
Method Detail


public String getLastFileRead()
Return the filename which generated the data from the last successful #readLines() call. Returns null if called before any file contents are read.


public String readLine()
                throws IOException
Description copied from interface: LineReader
Get the next line associated with the input stream. If this returns null, the input underlying input source is considered finished. Note that this is allowed to block for indefinite amounts of time waiting to generate a new line.

Specified by:
readLine in interface LineReader


public void commit()
            throws IOException
Commit the last lines which were read.



public List<String> readLines(int n)
                       throws IOException
Description copied from interface: LineReader
Get up to n lines associated with the input stream. If this returns less than n lines, the input underlying input source is considered finished. Note that this is allowed to block for indefinite amounts of time waiting to generate a new line.

Specified by:
readLines in interface LineReader


public void close()
           throws IOException
Description copied from interface: LineReader
Clean-up any state associated with this reader.

Specified by:
close in interface LineReader

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