Uses of Interface

Packages that use Configurable

Uses of Configurable in org.apache.flume

Subinterfaces of Configurable in org.apache.flume
 interface ChannelSelector
           Allows the selection of a subset of channels from the given set based on its implementation policy.
 interface SinkProcessor
           Interface for a device that allows abstraction of the behavior of multiple sinks, always assigned to a SinkRunner

Uses of Configurable in

Classes in that implement Configurable
 class AbstractChannel
 class AbstractChannelSelector
 class BasicChannelSemantics
           An implementation of basic Channel semantics, including the implied thread-local semantics of the Transaction class, which is required to extend BasicTransactionSemantics.
 class ChannelProcessor
          A channel processor exposes operations to put Events into Channels.
 class MemoryChannel
 class MultiplexingChannelSelector
 class PseudoTxnMemoryChannel
           A capacity-capped Channel implementation that supports in-memory buffering and delivery of events.
 class ReplicatingChannelSelector
          Replicating channel selector.

Uses of Configurable in

Classes in that implement Configurable
 class FileChannel
           A durable Channel implementation that uses the local file system for its storage.

Uses of Configurable in

Classes in that implement Configurable
 class JdbcChannel
          A JDBC based channel implementation.

Uses of Configurable in

Classes in that implement Configurable
 class RecoverableMemoryChannel
          Deprecated. The RecoverableMemoryChannel has been deprecated in favor of FileChannel, which gives better performance and is also durable.

Uses of Configurable in org.apache.flume.interceptor

Subinterfaces of Configurable in org.apache.flume.interceptor
static interface Interceptor.Builder
          Builder implementations MUST have a no-arg constructor

Classes in org.apache.flume.interceptor that implement Configurable
static class HostInterceptor.Builder
          Builder which builds new instances of the HostInterceptor.
static class TimestampInterceptor.Builder
          Builder which builds new instances of the TimestampInterceptor.

Uses of Configurable in org.apache.flume.serialization

Classes in org.apache.flume.serialization that implement Configurable
 class AbstractAvroEventSerializer<T>
          This is a helper class provided to make it straightforward to serialize Flume events into Avro data.
 class BodyTextEventSerializer
          This class simply writes the body of the event to the output stream and appends a newline after each event.
 class FlumeEventAvroEventSerializer

Uses of Configurable in org.apache.flume.sink

Subinterfaces of Configurable in org.apache.flume.sink
static interface LoadBalancingSinkProcessor.SinkSelector
           An interface that allows the LoadBalancingSinkProcessor to use a load-balancing strategy such as round-robin, random distribution etc.

Classes in org.apache.flume.sink that implement Configurable
 class AbstractSinkProcessor
          A convenience base class for sink processors.
 class AbstractSinkSelector
 class AvroSink
           A Sink implementation that can send events to an RPC server (such as Flume's AvroSource).
 class DefaultSinkProcessor
          Default sink processor that only accepts a single sink, passing on process results without any additional handling.
 class FailoverSinkProcessor
          FailoverSinkProcessor maintains a prioritized list of sinks, guarranteeing that so long as one is available events will be processed.
 class LoadBalancingSinkProcessor
          Provides the ability to load-balance flow over multiple sinks.
 class NullSink
           A Sink implementation that simply discards all events it receives.
 class RollingFileSink
 class SinkGroup
          Configuration concept for handling multiple sinks working together.

Uses of Configurable in org.apache.flume.sink.hbase

Subinterfaces of Configurable in org.apache.flume.sink.hbase
 interface AsyncHbaseEventSerializer
          Interface for an event serializer which serializes the headers and body of an event to write them to hbase.
 interface HbaseEventSerializer
          Interface for an event serializer which serializes the headers and body of an event to write them to hbase.

Classes in org.apache.flume.sink.hbase that implement Configurable
 class AsyncHBaseSink
          A simple sink which reads events from a channel and writes them to HBase.
 class HBaseSink
          A simple sink which reads events from a channel and writes them to HBase.
 class RegexHbaseEventSerializer
          An HbaseEventSerializer which parses columns based on a supplied regular expression and column name list.
 class SimpleAsyncHbaseEventSerializer
          A simple serializer to be used with the AsyncHBaseSink that returns puts from an event, by writing the event body into it.
 class SimpleHbaseEventSerializer
          A simple serializer that returns puts from an event, by writing the event body into it.

Uses of Configurable in org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs

Subinterfaces of Configurable in org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs
 interface HDFSWriter

Classes in org.apache.flume.sink.hdfs that implement Configurable
 class HDFSCompressedDataStream
 class HDFSDataStream
 class HDFSEventSink
 class HDFSSequenceFile

Uses of Configurable in org.apache.flume.sink.irc

Classes in org.apache.flume.sink.irc that implement Configurable
 class IRCSink

Uses of Configurable in org.apache.flume.source

Classes in org.apache.flume.source that implement Configurable
 class AvroSource
           A Source implementation that receives Avro events from clients that implement AvroSourceProtocol.
 class ExecSource
           A Source implementation that executes a Unix process and turns each line of text into an event.
 class NetcatSource
           A netcat-like source that listens on a given port and turns each line of text into an event.
 class StressSource
 class SyslogTcpSource
 class SyslogUDPSource

Uses of Configurable in org.apache.flume.source.avroLegacy

Classes in org.apache.flume.source.avroLegacy that implement Configurable
 class AvroLegacySource
           A Source implementation that receives Avro events from Avro sink of Flume OG

Uses of Configurable in org.apache.flume.source.thriftLegacy

Classes in org.apache.flume.source.thriftLegacy that implement Configurable
 class ThriftLegacySource

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