Uses of Class

Packages that use FlumeException

Uses of FlumeException in org.apache.flume

Methods in org.apache.flume that throw FlumeException
 Source SourceFactory.create(String sourceName, String type)
 Sink SinkFactory.create(String name, String type)
 Channel ChannelFactory.create(String name, String type)

Uses of FlumeException in org.apache.flume.api

Methods in org.apache.flume.api that throw FlumeException
 void RpcClient.close()
          Immediately closes the client so that it may no longer be used.
 void NettyAvroRpcClient.close()
 void LoadBalancingRpcClient.close()
 void FailoverRpcClient.close()
          Close the connection.
abstract  void AbstractRpcClient.close()
 void NettyAvroRpcClient.configure(Properties properties)
           Configure the actual client using the properties.
protected  void LoadBalancingRpcClient.configure(Properties properties)
 void FailoverRpcClient.configure(Properties properties)
protected abstract  void AbstractRpcClient.configure(Properties properties)
          Configure the client using the given properties object.
static RpcClient RpcClientFactory.getDefaultInstance(String hostname, Integer port)
          Returns an instance of RpcClient connected to the specified hostname and port.
static RpcClient RpcClientFactory.getDefaultInstance(String hostname, Integer port, Integer batchSize)
          Returns an instance of RpcClient connected to the specified hostname and port with the specified batchSize.
static RpcClient RpcClientFactory.getInstance(Properties properties)
          Returns an instance of RpcClient, optionally with failover.
static RpcClient RpcClientFactory.getInstance(String hostname, Integer port)
static RpcClient RpcClientFactory.getInstance(String hostname, Integer port, Integer batchSize)

Uses of FlumeException in

Methods in that throw FlumeException
 Channel DefaultChannelFactory.create(String name, String type)

Uses of FlumeException in org.apache.flume.clients.log4jappender

Methods in org.apache.flume.clients.log4jappender that throw FlumeException
 void Log4jAppender.activateOptions()
          Activate the options set using setPort() and setHostname()
 void Log4jAppender.append(org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent event)
          Append the LoggingEvent, to send to the first Flume hop.
 void Log4jAppender.close()
          Closes underlying client.

Uses of FlumeException in org.apache.flume.conf

Subclasses of FlumeException in org.apache.flume.conf
 class ConfigurationException

Uses of FlumeException in org.apache.flume.sink

Methods in org.apache.flume.sink that throw FlumeException
 Sink DefaultSinkFactory.create(String name, String type)

Uses of FlumeException in org.apache.flume.sink.hbase

Methods in org.apache.flume.sink.hbase that throw FlumeException
 List<org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Row> SimpleHbaseEventSerializer.getActions()
 List<org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Row> RegexHbaseEventSerializer.getActions()

Uses of FlumeException in org.apache.flume.source

Methods in org.apache.flume.source that throw FlumeException
 Source DefaultSourceFactory.create(String name, String type)

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