Uses of Class

Packages that use ChannelException
org.apache.flume.agent.embedded This package provides Flume users the ability to embed simple agents in applications.   

Uses of ChannelException in org.apache.flume

Subclasses of ChannelException in org.apache.flume
 class ChannelFullException

Methods in org.apache.flume that throw ChannelException
 void Channel.put(Event event)
          Puts the given event into the channel.
 Event Channel.take()
          Returns the next event from the channel if available.

Uses of ChannelException in org.apache.flume.agent.embedded

Methods in org.apache.flume.agent.embedded that throw ChannelException
 void EmbeddedSource.put(Event event)
 void EmbeddedSource.putAll(List<Event> events)

Uses of ChannelException in

Methods in that throw ChannelException
static void ChannelUtils.put(Channel channel, Collection<Event> events)
           A convenience method for multiple-event put transactions.
static void ChannelUtils.put(Channel channel, Event event)
           A convenience method for single-event put transactions.
 void BasicChannelSemantics.put(Event event)
           Ensures that a transaction exists for this thread and then delegates the put to the thread's BasicTransactionSemantics instance.
 Event BasicChannelSemantics.take()
           Ensures that a transaction exists for this thread and then delegates the take to the thread's BasicTransactionSemantics instance.
static Event ChannelUtils.take(Channel channel)
           A convenience method for single-event take transactions.
static List<Event> ChannelUtils.take(Channel channel, int max)
           A convenience method for multiple-event take transactions.
<T> T
ChannelUtils.transact(Channel channel, Callable<T> transactor)
           A general optimistic implementation of Transaction client semantics.
static void ChannelUtils.transact(Channel channel, Runnable transactor)
           A convenience method for transactions that don't require a return value.

Uses of ChannelException in

Subclasses of ChannelException in
 class JdbcChannelException

Methods in that throw ChannelException
 void JdbcChannel.put(Event event)
 Event JdbcChannel.take()

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